
Mr. Foster Friess and the Friends of Foster Foundation

By November 4, 2020No Comments

Journal – May 18, 2006

Once again, the kindness of Mr. Foster Friess and the Friends of Foster Foundation has come to the aid of the people of Sri Lanka. Friends of Foster have been involved with IMPAKTaid since the early days of our conception, helping us with funding for the Back to Work program that gave hundreds of men their livelihoods back.

Their generosity purchased a van so that our Mobile Medical Unit could go into the camps and deliver medical aid and pharmaceuticals to the displaced people on the island and last but not least their support of the Work For Widows program has allowed us to purchase supplies and give salaries to many of the women training to achieve secure financial futures. As the world sees new problems and the media finds the plight on the island less marketable for their programs, many forget the people still struggling to survive.

This week we have been informed that Friends of Foster will be sponsoring our Work for Widows program for an additional two months. So as we sit on the hot sand with the ladies at the temple in Hikkadewa, teaching them to bead hand bags; the weight I carry is reduced for I know I will be able to see them through for a while longer and even though they may be a forgotten part of the disaster; there are still people like Foster who care.

Pam Porodo

Pam Porodo


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